Istioctl Overview
command line usage overview.
Experimental commands that may be modified or deprecated.
See Istio docs for details.
Open the ControlZ web UI for a pod in the Istio control plane.
istioctl dashboard controlz [<type>/]<name>[.<namespace>] [flags]
istioctl d controlz istiod-6bc78ccdb-sgdgh -n istio-system
You will see the ControlZ UI at http://localhost:9876.
Open the Envoy admin dashboard for a sidecar.
istioctl dashboard envoy [<type>/]<name>[.<namespace>] [flags]
istioctl d envoy details-v1-7d88846999-ptz54 -n default
You can see the UI at http://localhost:15000/.
Open Istio’s Grafana dashboard.
istioctl dashboard grafana [flags]
istioctl d grafana
You can see the Grafana UI at http://localhost:3000.
Open Istio’s Jaeger dashboard.
istioctl dashboard jaeger [flags]
Jaeger is not installed by default, run the following command to install Jaeger.
kubectl apply -f
See Istio docs for details.
istioctl d jaeger
you can see the Jaeger UI at http://localhost:16686.
Open Istio’s Kiali dashboard.
istioctl dashboard kiali [flags]
Kiali is not installed by default, run the following command to install Kiali.
kubectl apply -f
See Istio docs for details.
istioctl d kiali
You can see the Kiali UI at http://localhost:20001/kiali.
Open Istio’s Prometheus dashboard.
istioctl dashboard prometheus [flags]
istioctl d prometheus
See the Prometheus UI at http://localhost:9090.
Open the Istio dashboard in the SkyWalking UI.
istioctl dashboard skywalking [flags]
SkyWalking is not installed by default, refer to the SkyWalking docs to see how to install.
istioctl d skywalking
Open Istio’s Zipkin dashboard.
istioctl dashboard zipkin [flags]
Zipkin is not installed by default, run the following command to install Zipkin.
kubectl apply -f
See Istio docs for details.
istioctl d zipkin
You can see the Zipkin UI at http://localhost:9411.
Frequently Used Commands
The install
command generates an Istio install manifest and applies it to a cluster.
# Apply a default Istio installation
istioctl install
# Enable Tracing
istioctl install --set meshConfig.enableTracing=true
# Generate the demo profile and don't wait for confirmation
istioctl install --set profile=demo --skip-confirmation
# To override a setting that includes dots, escape them with a backslash (\). Your shell may require enclosing quotes.
istioctl install --set "values.sidecarInjectorWebhook.injectedAnnotations.container\.apparmor\.security\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/istio-proxy=runtime/default"
# For setting boolean-string option, it should be enclosed quotes and escaped with a backslash (\).
istioctl install --set meshConfig.defaultConfig.proxyMetadata.PROXY_XDS_VIA_AGENT=\"false\"
The manifest command generates and diffs Istio manifests.
istioctl manifest install
# Apply a default Istio installation
istioctl install
# Enable Tracing
istioctl install --set meshConfig.enableTracing=true
# Generate the demo profile and don't wait for confirmation
istioctl install --set profile=demo --skip-confirmation
# To override a setting that includes dots, escape them with a backslash (\). Your shell may require enclosing quotes.
istioctl install --set "values.sidecarInjectorWebhook.injectedAnnotations.container\.apparmor\.security\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/istio-proxy=runtime/default"
# For setting boolean-string option, it should be enclosed quotes and escaped with a backslash (\).
istioctl install --set meshConfig.defaultConfig.proxyMetadata.PROXY_XDS_VIA_AGENT=\"false\"
istioctl manifest generate
# Generate a default Istio installation
istioctl manifest generate
# Enable Tracing
istioctl manifest generate --set meshConfig.enableTracing=true
# Generate the demo profile
istioctl manifest generate --set profile=demo
# To override a setting that includes dots, escape them with a backslash (\). Your shell may require enclosing quotes.
istioctl manifest generate --set "values.sidecarInjectorWebhook.injectedAnnotations.container\.apparmor\.security\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/istio-proxy=runtime/default"
# For setting boolean-string option, it should be enclosed quotes and escaped with a backslash (\).
istioctl manifest generate --set meshConfig.defaultConfig.proxyMetadata.PROXY_XDS_VIA_AGENT=\"false\"
A group of commands used to retrieve information about proxy configuration from the Envoy config dump.
# Retrieve information about proxy configuration from an Envoy instance.
istioctl proxy-config <clusters|listeners|routes|endpoints|bootstrap|log|secret> <pod-name[.namespace]>
# Retrieve cluster summary.
istioctl pc all
# Show a human-readable Istio and Envoy version summary.
istioctl pc b reviews-v1-55b668fc65-9twc9 -o short
# Retrieve summary about cluster configuration for a given pod from Envoy.
istioctl pc c reviews-v1-55b668fc65-9twc9
# Retrieve full endpoint configuration for a given pod from Envoy.
istioctl pc ep reviews-v1-55b668fc65-9twc9
# Retrieve summary about listener configuration for a given pod from Envoy.
istioctl pc l reviews-v1-55b668fc65-9twc9
# Retrieve summary about route configuration for a given pod from Envoy.
istioctl pc r reviews-v1-55b668fc65-9twc9
Retrieves last sent and last acknowledged xDS sync from Istiod to each Envoy in the mesh.
# Retrieve sync status for all Envoys in a mesh
istioctl proxy-status
# Retrieve sync diff for a single Envoy and Istiod
istioctl proxy-status istio-egressgateway-59585c5b9c-ndc59.istio-system
# Retrieve sync diff between Istiod and one pod under a deployment
istioctl proxy-status deployment/productpage-v1
# Write proxy config-dump to file, and compare to Istio control plane
kubectl port-forward -n istio-system istio-egressgateway-59585c5b9c-ndc59 15000 &
curl localhost:15000/config_dump > cd.json
istioctl proxy-status istio-egressgateway-59585c5b9c-ndc59.istio-system --file cd.json