Istio command line cheatsheet.


Istioctl Overview


istioctl command line usage overview.

istioctl cheatsheet


Experimental commands that may be modified or deprecated.


See Istio docs for details.



Open the ControlZ web UI for a pod in the Istio control plane.

istioctl dashboard controlz [<type>/]<name>[.<namespace>] [flags]


istioctl d controlz istiod-6bc78ccdb-sgdgh -n istio-system

You will see the ControlZ UI at http://localhost:9876.


Open the Envoy admin dashboard for a sidecar.

istioctl dashboard envoy [<type>/]<name>[.<namespace>] [flags]


istioctl d envoy details-v1-7d88846999-ptz54 -n default

You can see the UI at http://localhost:15000/.


Open Istio’s Grafana dashboard.

istioctl dashboard grafana [flags]


istioctl d grafana

You can see the Grafana UI at http://localhost:3000.


Open Istio’s Jaeger dashboard.

istioctl dashboard jaeger [flags]

Jaeger is not installed by default, run the following command to install Jaeger.

kubectl apply -f

See Istio docs for details.


istioctl d jaeger

you can see the Jaeger UI at http://localhost:16686.


Open Istio’s Kiali dashboard.

istioctl dashboard kiali [flags]

Kiali is not installed by default, run the following command to install Kiali.

kubectl apply -f

See Istio docs for details.


istioctl d kiali

You can see the Kiali UI at http://localhost:20001/kiali.


Open Istio’s Prometheus dashboard.

istioctl dashboard prometheus [flags]


istioctl d prometheus

See the Prometheus UI at http://localhost:9090.


Open the Istio dashboard in the SkyWalking UI.

istioctl dashboard skywalking [flags]

SkyWalking is not installed by default, refer to the SkyWalking docs to see how to install.


istioctl d skywalking


Open Istio’s Zipkin dashboard.

istioctl dashboard zipkin [flags]

Zipkin is not installed by default, run the following command to install Zipkin.

kubectl apply -f

See Istio docs for details.


istioctl d zipkin

You can see the Zipkin UI at http://localhost:9411.

Frequently Used Commands


The install command generates an Istio install manifest and applies it to a cluster.


# Apply a default Istio installation
istioctl install

# Enable Tracing
istioctl install --set meshConfig.enableTracing=true

# Generate the demo profile and don't wait for confirmation
istioctl install --set profile=demo --skip-confirmation

# To override a setting that includes dots, escape them with a backslash (\).  Your shell may require enclosing quotes.
istioctl install --set "values.sidecarInjectorWebhook.injectedAnnotations.container\.apparmor\.security\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/istio-proxy=runtime/default"

# For setting boolean-string option, it should be enclosed quotes and escaped with a backslash (\).
istioctl install --set meshConfig.defaultConfig.proxyMetadata.PROXY_XDS_VIA_AGENT=\"false\"


The manifest command generates and diffs Istio manifests.

istioctl manifest install

# Apply a default Istio installation
istioctl install

# Enable Tracing
istioctl install --set meshConfig.enableTracing=true

# Generate the demo profile and don't wait for confirmation
istioctl install --set profile=demo --skip-confirmation

# To override a setting that includes dots, escape them with a backslash (\).  Your shell may require enclosing quotes.
istioctl install --set "values.sidecarInjectorWebhook.injectedAnnotations.container\.apparmor\.security\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/istio-proxy=runtime/default"

# For setting boolean-string option, it should be enclosed quotes and escaped with a backslash (\).
istioctl install --set meshConfig.defaultConfig.proxyMetadata.PROXY_XDS_VIA_AGENT=\"false\"

istioctl manifest generate

# Generate a default Istio installation
istioctl manifest generate

# Enable Tracing
istioctl manifest generate --set meshConfig.enableTracing=true

# Generate the demo profile
istioctl manifest generate --set profile=demo

# To override a setting that includes dots, escape them with a backslash (\).  Your shell may require enclosing quotes.
istioctl manifest generate --set "values.sidecarInjectorWebhook.injectedAnnotations.container\.apparmor\.security\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/istio-proxy=runtime/default"

# For setting boolean-string option, it should be enclosed quotes and escaped with a backslash (\).
istioctl manifest generate --set meshConfig.defaultConfig.proxyMetadata.PROXY_XDS_VIA_AGENT=\"false\"


A group of commands used to retrieve information about proxy configuration from the Envoy config dump.

# Retrieve information about proxy configuration from an Envoy instance.
istioctl proxy-config <clusters|listeners|routes|endpoints|bootstrap|log|secret> <pod-name[.namespace]>


# Retrieve cluster summary.
istioctl pc all

# Show a human-readable Istio and Envoy version summary.
istioctl pc b reviews-v1-55b668fc65-9twc9 -o short

# Retrieve summary about cluster configuration for a given pod from Envoy.

istioctl pc c reviews-v1-55b668fc65-9twc9

# Retrieve full endpoint configuration for a given pod from Envoy.
istioctl pc ep reviews-v1-55b668fc65-9twc9

# Retrieve summary about listener configuration for a given pod from Envoy.
istioctl pc l reviews-v1-55b668fc65-9twc9

# Retrieve summary about route configuration for a given pod from Envoy.
istioctl pc r reviews-v1-55b668fc65-9twc9


Retrieves last sent and last acknowledged xDS sync from Istiod to each Envoy in the mesh.


# Retrieve sync status for all Envoys in a mesh
istioctl proxy-status

# Retrieve sync diff for a single Envoy and Istiod
istioctl proxy-status istio-egressgateway-59585c5b9c-ndc59.istio-system

# Retrieve sync diff between Istiod and one pod under a deployment
istioctl proxy-status deployment/productpage-v1

# Write proxy config-dump to file, and compare to Istio control plane
kubectl port-forward -n istio-system istio-egressgateway-59585c5b9c-ndc59 15000 &
curl localhost:15000/config_dump > cd.json
istioctl proxy-status istio-egressgateway-59585c5b9c-ndc59.istio-system --file cd.json